How Anime Teaches Us About the World: Anime as a Gateway to Black History
Anime has gained popularity as a global form of entertainment. It has been able to win over a lot of admirers with its distinctive visuals and content. However, anime offers more than just amusement. It might be able to instruct us about various cultures and their histories. Black culture is one of these cultures. We may learn about the tribulations, achievements, and contributions of Black people throughout history through anime.

Black characters have appeared in numerous anime series, including "Yuri!!! on Ice," "The Boondocks," "Michiko & Hatchin," and "Black Butler." Themes connected to Black history and culture have also been investigated. For instance, "Yuri!!! on Ice" exposed viewers to the world of figure skating, a discipline that has historically been dominated by athletes of European descent. The program emphasized the accomplishments of Black figure skaters, including Debi Thomas, the first American athlete of color to win an Olympic medal.

Similar to this, "The Boondocks" has satirically addressed problems including racial profiling and police violence. The program made light of Black people's difficulties in America by using humor. The South American setting of the anime "Michiko & Hatchin" is based on Brazil. The program has a Black protagonist and examines issues of family, race, and poverty.

Another anime with a plot that features Black history is "Black Butler." The series is set in Victorian England, and Ciel Phantomhive, the main character, is the patriarch of the great aristocratic Phantomhive family. Character Prince Soma, an Indian prince, is the subject of one of the series' plot arcs. The program emphasizes the colonial era exploitation of India by the East India Company.

We can learn about various cultures and their histories through anime. We can learn about the difficulties Black people have endured and their contributions to the world by watching anime. For individuals who may not have been exposed to Black history and culture previously, anime can act as a gateway.
As a result, anime is more than just a source of amusement. It has the ability to inform and educate viewers about various civilizations and their histories. We may learn about Black people's hardships and accomplishments throughout history through anime. For those who wish to understand more about Black culture and history, anime can be a good place to start.